Letters to the Editor: August 19


A bit totalitarian
In his response to “Too Far To The Right” (July 22, 2022) letter writer Joe Marcus apparently defines as a “bad” opinion any opinion to the right of center. In effect he writes that he does not want any opinion he disagrees with to ever “see the light of day.” That is a standard for limiting discourse one often finds manifested in communist, fascist and other totalitarian newspapers.
Richard Sherman
Margate, Florida

Three cheers and more for Marty Taylor
Responses to “Setting an example in Baltimore and beyond with Marty Taylor” (August 5, 2022), via Facebook:
Great article, well deserved, congrats!
Kenneth Bell
This is awesome, Marty!
Amian Frost Kelemer
Way to go, Marty!
Beth Wiener Gansky
What a good person!
Mina Wender

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