Letters to the Editor: March 17


Couldn’t Be More Wrong
There is so much wrong with Andrea Hodos’ opinion piece (“Can America and Israel Break the Cycle of Fear and Vengeance?” March 10) that I hardly know where to begin. Hodos has obviously shot her arrow into the wall, drawn a target around it and then shouted “bullseye!” While she is entitled to her own opinions, she is not entitled to her own facts. To start with, her highly fictionalized account of incidents in Megillat Esther are plainly contradicted by a simple reading of the text. For another, did she actually equate Palestinians terrorists with American Jews? Apparently so. She refuses to use the word “terrorist” while attempting to paint them as victims of Israel power rather than as terrorists bent on indiscriminately murdering Israelis. Cycle of violence in Israel? Hardly. If the Palestinian leadership were actually interested in peaceful coexistence instead of their stated goal of Israel’s destruction (and promoting the use of terrorism), the violence would stop immediately. How dare Hodos criticize Israel for its own self-defense.
Sonny Taragin

Liar in the White House
Anyone, especially Jews who would vote for Nikki Haley, need to take the time to reconsider (“Nikki Haley Makes Her Move,” March 10). She is a hypocrite who stated she would not run against Donald Trump if he ran in 2024, and yet, here we are. We had one liar in the White House for four years. Do we really need another?
Lana Fink

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