Community Snapshot

Community Snapshot: February 3

Black and white photograph of a basketball team including seven players, all unidentified. Can you identify anyone in this photo? Contact Maggie Hoffman, 443-873-5166 or...

Generosity Gala

The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore hosted its annual Young Adult Division Generosity Gala, celebrating the charitable donations made toward the organization and its...

Hillels of Baltimore

Sixteen student leaders from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Hillel strike a pose at the Hillels of Baltimore Wellness and Leadership Retreat, held...

Muffin Madness

Jewish Volunteer Connection volunteers display the fruits of their labor as part of their Muffin Madness initiative. A grand total of over 1,000 breakfast...

Community Snapshot: February 24

A group of five unidentified individuals pose at a B’nai B’rith Scholarship Breakfast at the state office in Pikesville. c. 1991. Can you identify anyone...

Family Fun Concert

The Gordon Center for Performing Arts hosted a concert by children’s musician Laurie Berkner and the Laurie Berkner Band. The event was the Gordon...

YUNMUN Conference

Members of the Beth Tfiloh Model UN team participated in the 33rd annual Yeshiva University’s Nation Model United Nations Conference, giving them the opportunity...

Lunch for a Cause

First grade students at Krieger Schechter Day School partnered with Jewish Volunteer Connection to assemble 60 breakfast bags to give to food insecure people...

Community Snapshot: February 17

Black and white photograph of unidentified man speaking from head table at banquet with others (also unidentified) seated at table. Undated. Can you identify anyone...

In a Pickle

Rabbi Craig Axler of Temple Isaiah teaches an elective for Next Dor teens on Jews and the history of the pickling process. At their...