
SOTU Stump Speech

President Joe Biden delivered his second State of the Union address last week. He spoke to a newly divided Congress and an electorate that...

A New Tool for Jewish Philanthropy

The Jewish philanthropic sector is valued in the billions of dollars. It is, literally, a very big business. It is comprised of organizations and...

Parshat Mishpatim: After the Ten Commandments, Learning About Specific Mitzvot

Now that the Jews have received the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai (in last week’s Torah portion, Yitro) and accepted the Torah, G-d teaches...

Israel’s Debate Over the Separation of Powers

Cliff Rieders | JNS The debate over the separation of powers is said to have originated in a proposal by the French political philosopher Montesquieu,...

Why I Laugh During Havdalah

Kylie Ora Lobell When Shabbat ends, we light a braided candle, look at our fingernails near the fire, bless a cup of overflowing wine, sniff...

Amir Ohana’s Homophobic Detractors Are the Abomination

Shmuley Boteach | JNS Amir Ohana’s historic appointment as the first openly gay man to serve as Speaker of the Knesset is a symbol of...

ChatGPT Can Write Verse, But Is No More Alive Than the Golem of Prague

Rodger Kamenetz | JTA ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot with remarkable abilities to mimic human language, has been making big news. One stunt that’s...

Blinken Visits Israel

There were a lot of moving parts that added complexity and diplomatic tension to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent trip to Israel, and...

Trial by Billboard

There was a skirmish last week in the Bay Area between the forces of Zionism and anti-Zionism. It took the form of messaging and,...

Letters to the Editor: February 10

‘Green Line’ an Artificial Border With No Basis in Law, History or Judaism Susie Gelman of the Israel Policy Forum (Opinion, “Why the Pro-Settler Right...