
The challenge of a parole decision

Fifty-three years ago, in June 1968, 24-year-old Sirhan Sirhan rocked America when he shot and killed Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.), then the leading...

Voice of hate at State

Jesus Christ came to save the whole world from the Jews — the founders of the original Anti-Christ religion, they who are the seed...

Parshat Vayeilech: Be strong and resolute

In Parshat Vayeilech, Moses is preparing to step back and let Joshua become the leader and take the Israelites into Israel. Moses is aware...
Ava Perlin

Parshat Nitzavim: To respect and honor others

By Ava Perlin Parshat Nitzavim focuses on our covenant and relationship with God by instructing us to worship only God and setting forth the punishment...
Rabbi Elie Abadie

Opinion | Rosh Hashanah: A time of renewal and unity

By Rabbi Elie Abadie As Jews, every Rosh Hashanah, we rededicate our commitment to Judaism. We reaffirm our devotion to Jewish law, and we strive...

Opinion | What to remember when abuse stories break in Jewish communities

By Sheila Katz and Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg We are, once again, in a season of reckoning with sexual abuse in the Jewish community and in...

Our newest immigrants

Governments are notoriously reluctant to admit mistakes. But sometimes the facts are so clear that no acknowledgment is necessary. Our withdrawal from Afghanistan is...

Rosh Hashanah 5782

5781 was challenging. But we got through it. In the process, we learned how to celebrate Shabbat and Jewish holidays remotely or in compliant...
Maya Carlin

Opinion | The fall of Kabul will bode well for American adversaries

By Maya Carlin Bad actors are lining up to fill the vacuum in Afghanistan created by the U.S. withdrawal. Iran, Qatar, Russia and China are...
Eli Cohen

Opinion | 30 years of peacemaking helped put Crown Heights back together

By Eli Cohen It was a beautiful sunny afternoon in Brooklyn last week, when my neighborhood came together for “One Crown Heights,” a day of...