Torah Commentary

Handing Down of the Ten Commandments From Sinai: Parshat Yitro

Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro (Yitro), who lives in Midian, hears the news of all the amazing miracles that G-d did for the Jewish people, and...

Parshat Beshalach: Moses Parts Sea, Enters Desert, Faces the Amalekites

In last week’s parshah, after years of the Jews’ enslavement and then the 10 plagues that G-d heaped upon the Egyptians, Pharaoh finally lets...

Parshat Bo: Let My People Go! Pharaoh Eventually Acquiesces

Pharaoh still refuses to let the Jews leave Egypt, so G-d brings more plagues on Egypt. In the eighth plague, a very strong wind...

Parshat Va’era: Don’t Forget About Aaron!

Rabbi Jeremy Markiz When we think about the heroes of the Torah, we could come up with a list. Noah might be on there, Abraham,...

Parshat Shemot: How Moses Tries to Alleviate the Hardship of Jewish Slaves in Egypt

Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, is worried that there are too many Jews, and they are becoming too powerful. So he decides to enslave...

Parshat Vayechi: Family comes first; indeed, it’s a blessing

By Ellie Glazer In Parshat Vayechi, Jacob and Joseph are on their deathbeds. When Jacob eventually passes away, Joseph’s brothers are afraid that Joseph will...

Parshat Vayigash: Joseph travels to Egypt to be reunited with Jacob

Parshat Vayigash Judah approaches Joseph and begs him to free Benjamin. He even offers himself as a slave (yes, he offers to stay in Egypt...

Parshat Miketz: Joseph’s dream and the story of his brothers in Egypt

Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, is frustrated. He has had two dreams — one in which he sees seven fat cows swallowed by seven...

Parshat Vayeshev: Joseph’s journey from home … to prison and Pharaoh

Jacob settles in Hebron with his 12 sons. His favorite is 17-year-old Joseph, whose brothers are jealous of the preferential treatment that he receives...

Parshat Vayetze: The children of Leah and Rachel, and husband Jacob

Jacob leaves his hometown of Beersheva and journeys to Charan. On the way, he encounters “the place” and sleeps there, dreaming of a ladder...