
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Opinion | Ukrainian Jews, come to Israel!

By Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar We have tremendous admiration and appreciation for the dozens of organizations working to rescue Jews from Ukraine. Words cannot...
Samuel J. Abrams

Opinion | Passover 2022: Are Jews still people of the book?

By Samuel J. Abrams April 15 marked the beginning of Passover. The centerpiece of this festival is the seder. The seder meal often takes hours,...
Shuly Rubin Schwartz

Opinion | The themes of Passover tie our struggles to those of Ukrainian Jews

By Shuly Rubin Schwartz Exactly 100 years ago, in April 1922, my great-grandparents emigrated to the United States with their four children, fearing for their...
Julie Platt

Opinion | Let’s talk about the freedom to live in security

By Julie Platt It wasn’t until Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker heard the click of the gun that he realized something terrible was happening at Temple Beth...

Interests, not friends

The political adage that there are no permanent friends, only interests, rings true in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, once the focus of American...

The battle over Title 42

Title 42 is a federal health order that was issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the Trump administration, which...

Letters to the editor: April 22

The left’s zero-sum game “Bills attacking LGBTQ rights are an assault on Jewish values” (March 25) is yet another example of the left’s zero-sum game....
Rabbi Barry Dov Lerner

Passover: Renewed and new meanings

Rabbi Barry Dov Lerner What do you remember most vividly about your earliest seder experience? Many of us have memories of our respective Passover experiences with...
Tanya Borodina with her family

Opinion | Next year in Kharkiv

By Tanya Borodina I want to share my story: Maybe it will inspire someone, maybe it will upset someone. I have an ordinary family: me,...

Government in limbo

Just when we were starting to get comfortable about the prospects for Israel’s politically diverse and razor-thin majority coalition government led by Prime Minister...