Last Word

Brad Sachs

Columbia psychologist Brad Sachs treats freewheeling emotions

By Tony Glaros Peering at COVID-19’s roiling effects through a steady, objective lens, Brad Sachs, a Columbia psychologist, doesn’t mince words when articulating the pandemic’s...
Adam Stein

Adam Stein, JCC tennis director, brings joy and exercise

By Harry Lichtman Adam Stein is in charge of all things tennis at the JCC of Greater Baltimore. “I string tennis rackets,” said Stein, who has...
Jason Blavatt

Jason Blavatt, 2022 Annual Campaign development chair, invests in the effort

Reisterstown resident Jason Blavatt is The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore’s development chair for the 2022 Annual Campaign, but he’s been involved with The...

Translating tale of commando raid: Yonah Jeremy Bob

A gripping tale of intelligence gathering and gun running, culminating in a high-stakes Israeli commando raid on the high seas, has come to a...

The JVC way: Ashley Pressman

By Harry Lichtman Ashley Pressman is the executive director of Jewish Volunteer Connection, the hands-on volunteer connector for the Baltimore Jewish community. “The mission of the...
Rochel Kaplan

Rochel Kaplan highlights the joy of Judaism

By Haydee M. Rodriguez If Chabad epitomizes welcoming the stranger, Rebbetzin Rochel Kaplan has been a dedicated ambassador. Kaplan supports and advances educational opportunities that highlight...

Dialogue across religious communities: Ben Sax

As the Jewish scholar at The Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies, Beth Am Synagogue member Ben Sax has made it his mission...
Michael Greenebaum

Continuing a family legacy: Michael Greenebaum

Michael Greenebaum’s great-great-grandfather was on a train headed to Washington, D.C., when he got off a stop too early and wound up in Baltimore....
Brian Berele

Playing the kernel of American music: Brian Berele

By Bob Jacobson Pikesville native Brian Berele, 64, majored in history at William & Mary college in Virginia. Though his passion for history endured,...