Letters to the Editor: October 6


Not Just a Shidduch Crisis
I was happy to see the Baltimore Jewish Times covering the issue of the crisis of experience that single men and women face in the Orthodox community (“Ner Tamid-Orthodox Union Event Tackles Orthodox Singles’ Issues,” Sept. 22). The article primarily addresses the crisis of experience, which is incredibly important. It also mentions the crisis of process. I want to provide a clarification on what this crisis of process is.

The crisis of process is that it appears that a greatly increasing number of Jewish single men and women who want to get married are remaining single. It is not specific as to how one is trying to find a spouse. The issue applies to the singles community regardless as to whether they use traditional matchmaking methods, dating apps, singles events, meeting through a friend or meeting naturally. It is impacting singles in both the Yeshivish and Modern Orthodox communities.

We would be doing the singles community a disservice if we only focus on the issues regarding traditional matchmaking. My hope is for the Jewish leadership and community as a whole to fully understand the primary reasons as to why an increasing number of marriage-minded single men and women remain single. It is only at that point that the Jewish community can properly address the issue.

David Katzoff, Silver Spring

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