Food Feature

Salad with schmaltz dressing

Schmaltz is the secret ingredient you need for your salad

By Stephanie Ganz If you, like me, are a regular chicken roaster, you’re halfway to one of the best salad dressings out there: schmaltz vinaigrette,...
grilled corn

Make the most of August produce

By Linda Morel I love late August. Farmers markets and backyard gardens are jumping, offering the summer’s best yield. Think of crisp string beans, firm cucumbers,...
Health salad

Why Russian Jews are obsessed with this salad

By Sonya Sanford Health salads — sweet and tangy slaw-like, cabbage-based salads that often include carrots, bell peppers and cucumbers — are a fixture of...

A Japanese feast in time for the Olympics

By Linda Morel I can’t wait for the Olympics. If your family is like mine, we are glued to the TV, watching each day’s events. I...
fish kabobs

Recipes to keep the weight off

By Linda Morel If you’re like me, you saw bathing suit season coming and you went on a diet. You’ve lost some weight. Maybe you’ve...
ingredients for orzo salad

Picnic perfect Mediterranean orzo salad

By Jessica Grann This orzo salad is my go-to summer picnic salad because it’s so full of flavor, yet very light. I love the mix...
baba ganoush

How to make baba ghanoush at home

By Jessica Grann Known as baba ghanoush across the Levant, this simple roasted eggplant salad only has a handful of ingredients. Like hummus, most people...

Cicadas are edible. But are they kosher?

By Isabella Lefkowitz-Rao   Worried? Repulsed? Intrigued? The emergence of Brood X is eliciting a whole host of emotions and has left people wondering what to...
Ingredients for piyaz

Piyaz: A simple summer salad

By Jessica Grann In Israel and throughout the Mediterranean Basin, salads, or salatim, rarely contain lettuce. Some are raw, and some are cooked — like...
chicken dinner

Spring chicken dinner

Story and photos by Keri White Spring has arrived in earnest, and that means a new crop of seasonal produce is at the market. I...