
Leadership Symposium Tackles Ideological Divides Through Jewish Thought

As the world grows more politically divided, it can be difficult to find common ground with people across the aisle. In an environment that...
Andrew Cushnir

Associated Names Andrew Cushnir New President

Andrew Cushnir, the executive vice president and chief development officer of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, has been named the new president...

Bringing the High Holidays to Jews Behind Bars

Preparing for the High Holidays requires a certain degree of creativity when the population you serve is in one of the most restrictive environments...
A group that includes Jordan Lickstein, Lilly Polakoff and Ami Meoded

Two Beth Tfiloh Alumni Spend Summer Interning at Israeli Startup

This past summer, Lilly Polakoff and Jordan Lickstein, two alumni of Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, interned with LittleOne.Care, an experience that Polakoff, a...
Melissa Ladd

Panel Addresses Gun Violence Concerns

So far, in 2023, there have been more than 400 mass shootings, according to the Gun Violence Archive. If that number disturbs you, you...
Sharsheret Tashlich program

For Cancer Patients, the High Holidays Can Bring Some Unique Challenges

By Larry Luxner At the height of the pandemic in August 2020, Fran Guzy, a retired schoolteacher living in Oradell, New Jersey, was diagnosed with...
Tucson teen Lily Messing

2 Jewish Teens Harness the Power of Their Peers to Address Social Problems —...

By Larry Luxner In mid-2021, as the COVID pandemic raged, high school student Lily Messing noticed that the social ills plaguing her native Tucson, Arizona...
Jewish young professionals

First-of-its-kind Israel Experience Offers Young Jewish Communal Professionals a Month in Tel Aviv

It sounds like a dream offer: an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel for the full month of January, based in Tel Aviv, the beachside city...

Renovations Mark New Start for Chizuk Amuno’s Early Childhood Center

The Goldsmith Early Childhood Center at Chizuk Amuno Congregation recently completed renovations that have been a year and a half in the making. The...

Times of Israel Analyst Talks Israeli Politics at Baltimore Jewish Council Virtual Event

Between judicial reform and large-scale protests, it can be difficult to keep up with recent Israeli news. But the Knesset recess, which started in...