
The lonely Lady Liberty

We were under the impression that President Joe Biden was going to elevate the welcoming image of the Statue of Liberty. After four years...

Letters to the editor: April 23

‘Challah!’ and me Thank you so much for the article about “Challah!” and me (“Local grandmother, inspired by grandson’s first word, writes ‘Challah!’” April 2)....
Paul Driessen and Nadav Shashar scuba dive

Opinion | Artificial reefs: For nature and peace

By Paul Driessen The husband-wife team of Ben Gurion University marine biologists Nadav Shashar and Jenny Tynyakov is on a mission. They’re spearheading an unusual...
a woman studies against the sunset

Opinion | Here’s a (Jewish) way to redirect your pandemic despair into purposeful living

By Alan Kadish and Michael Shmidman This last year of pandemic living has not been easy. Over 500,000 Americans have died, including countless members of our...

Parshat Tazria-Metzorah: Why we blame those who are victims of random events

By Clifford S. Fishman Leviticus chapter 13 contains a 44-verse recitation of the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of a skin condition — tzara’at — that...
Ruthie Blum

Opinion | A tribute to the bereaved parents of unsung fallen Israelis

By Ruthie Blum When Israel enters the 24-hour period that marks Yom HaZikaron, the country turns its attention to individual stories of heroism and bereavement....
Solomon D. Stevens

Opinion | What the Palestinian Authority elections don’t mean

By Solomon D. Stevens If they are not canceled again, elections will be held in the West Bank and Gaza for the first time in...

Letters to the editor: April 16

Jordanian was the aggressor Your March 26 editorial “Don’t Forget Jordan” called on the Israeli and American governments to do something to make up for...

Manchin in the middle

Six months ago, it would have been difficult to imagine that a United States senator serving in just his second term, from a state...

Toward Palestinian aid with purpose

The Biden administration’s decision to resume financial assistance to the Palestinians is a sound humanitarian move. It is important for America to reaffirm its...