
Jon Greenwald

Opinion | AIPAC’s defense of extremist candidates is indefensible

By Jon Greenwald A few weeks ago, the new Political Action Committee established by the influential lobbying group American Israel Public Action Committee announced its...

Albright leaves a legacy

Madeleine Albright, who died last week of cancer at age 84, left a significant legacy. She was the first woman to serve as secretary...

The enemy of our nemesis

In our community’s consciousness, Poland, the site of Auschwitz and the Warsaw Ghetto, is the graveyard of the Jews. Like so many other places...
Rabbi Rory Katz

Parshat Tazria: The rituals around pregnancy

By Rabbi Rory Katz Rituals are meant to provide orientation and grounding through the uncertain, ambiguous and/or emotionally tumultuous times of life. This week’s Torah...

Letters to the editor: April 1

Helping Ukraine Regarding “Here’s how you can help Ukraine from Baltimore” (online): I have been donating through The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore, the International...
Walter Ruby

Opinion | Comparing war in Ukraine to the final solution

By Walter Ruby As a Jew and lover of Israel, I was filled with outrage to read that, in the wake of Ukrainian President Volodymyr...
Paige Sachs

Parshat Shemini: On being holy

By Paige Sachs This week’s portion is Shemini. It is also Shabbat Parah. Parah means red cow or heifer so Shabbat Parah literally means Shabbat...

Antisemitism in the curriculum

Over the past several years concerns have been raised over antisemitic and anti-Zionist content being baked into school curricula. And in this case, it’s...

Skirmishes over Israel’s legitimacy

Last week, a skirmish in the battle to promote Palestinian rights by delegitimizing the state of Israel broke out at the Sierra Club. The...

Letters to the editor: March 25

Admiration for Zelensky What a remarkable, enthusiastic, brave, courageous leader we have in this man (“Zelensky’s inspiring leadership,” March 18). I am a proud Jewish...